2016-Lent at JW2_Page_1

Scripture Reference: Luke 22:47-53

Monday, Prayer: Jesus was betrayed by one of his closest friends. This was someone who walked with him through the highs and lows of his earthly ministry, feeding the hungry, healing the sick and casting out demons. And while it is true that he was well aware of the fact that Judas would in fact betray him, imagine the pain he felt by being stabbed in the back by one of his closest friends.

By Judas betraying Jesus, he was in fact betraying all of the work he had done, and the people he served through his work with Jesus, namely the have nots of first century Jerusalem. Aren’t we the very same betrayers of justice and righteousness when we choose our own comforts and securities over the Gospel call on our lives to love God and our neighbor? Pray today that the Spirit would convict us of our sin of indifference and apathy toward a world longing for the living water of Jesus Christ and the justice of the Kingdom.

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