2016-Lent at JW2_Page_1

Scripture Reference: Mark 15:1-15

Wednesday Fasting: Jesus’ trial before Pilate shows us something about Jesus that is immensely important for us as his followers. He doesn’t really say much, which is fascinating because he is being accused of things that he really wasn’t guilty for, but he keeps his mouth shut. We always want to vindicate ourselves, and we often do this before we even think through the accusations. Jesus provides for us a model of humility and submission that we must learn from. This week, take time to set aside a meal or a day of meals to seek God on how you can better lay down your right to speak up for yourself, stand up for yourself, justify or vindicate yourself for the sake of others. Is your accuser in need of grace or forgiveness that you have been unwilling to give? Maybe there is a specific instance in your life right now where you are dangling forgiveness like a carrot in front of someone. Remember, Jesus was accused and sentenced by the very people he came to save. We need to love like he loved, which oftentimes means laying down our rights.

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