2016-Lent at JW2_Page_1

Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:57-66

Wednesday Fasting: We’re not going to complicate things this week. We have discussed the Gospel, and the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross. We understand that Jesus’ death served as a substitutionary work on our behalf. You even spent some time praying for those in your life who are not yet followers of Jesus. Today we are going to encourage you to fast for those individuals who have turned away from Jesus. Maybe it is a child, a parent, a close friend or even a former pastor. Pray and fast for these individuals, that they would remember the Jesus who they claimed to have loved at some point in their life. Fast and pray that they might return.

In addition to fasting and praying for those who have walked away from the faith, spend some time fasting and praying for those individuals you know who are combative against Christianity. Some people don’t believe, while others hate Christianity. Fast and pray that God would break through their hearts of stone, and soften them so that they might be receptive to the truth of the Gospel.