May 17, 2009

Our Struggle for Hope

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Cynical Hope Topic: Topical Passage: Romans 8:24–8:24

Note: Audio for the message is not available due to a technical okie doke. The following is a short abstract of the message.  The notes and extras from the message are available in PDF.

Human life oscillates between despair and cynicism and a hopeful outlook on life.  Hope is a future oriented virtue that is intricately tied to that which we place our highest trust.  Hope is lost in the human soul as we misplace it - when we place our deepest hope in things that are good, but not God.  When we put our hope in things that are temporary and transient our hope is sabotaged and shipwrecked on the rocks of idolatry. 

Wisdom teaches us that we must fight for hope by seeking wisdom in the fear and knowledge of God. Jesus is the ultimate foundation for our faith and the one in whom our ultimate hopes truly rest.  It is knowing God in relationship with Jesus which forms a firm anchor to the soul which cannot be shaken by the torrents of life in a fallen world.


other sermons in this series

Aug 9


Hope Arriving

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Romans 8:18–8:25 Series: Cynical Hope

Jul 12


Cynical Hope: Faith and Grace

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Romans 5:2–5:2 Series: Cynical Hope

Jun 14


Cynical Hope: Peace

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Romans 5:1–5:11 Series: Cynical Hope