Learning Through Pain and Paradox
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Chasing the Wind - Ecclesiastes Topic: Exposition Passage: Ecclesiastes 6:10–7:14
Humble Before God (6:10-12)
Learning from Adversity (7:1-4)
- Funerals and Birthdays (v. 1)
The Denial of Death (v. 2)
Immortality Projects
Death’s Greatest Lessons (v. 3, 4)
Carpe Diem
Hope through the Gospel
... manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel 2 Tim 1:10
Living with Adversity (7:5-12)
Life in Community (v. 5, 6)
Speaking Truth in Love vs. Futility of Laughter
Compromise before the Face of God (v. 7)
Impatient Know-it-Alls (vv. 8, 9)
Foolish Nostalgia (v. 10)
Hitting the Jackpot of Wisdom (vv. 11, 12)
Trust in a Sovereign God (7:13, 14)
Faith on the Crooked Path
Community Meditation Questions
- Do you tend to ignore the reality of death or is it something you often find yourself pondering? What sort of things come to mind when you do consider the inevitability of your own death?
- Discuss Ernest Becker’s definition of immortality projects (look up Denial of Death on Wikipedia for a brief review). Do you resonate with his conclusions? What might be your personal immortality project? Does God give us an immortality project?
- Read Philippians 1:21. How would you restate Paul’s thoughts in your own words?
- Which reaction to adversity discussed in the message do you most often see exhibited in your own life? Do you try to laugh it off? Do you take shortcuts to avoid suffering? Do you become angry? Nostalgic?
- Is there adversity in your life you’ve chosen to hide from your missional community, friends, family, God? Consider sharing those things with someone and praying that God might be with you in the midst of those trials.
other sermons in this series
Dec 26
Fear God, Follow Jesus
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:8–14 Series: Chasing the Wind - Ecclesiastes
Dec 19
Shout out to the Young
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:7–12:7 Series: Chasing the Wind - Ecclesiastes
Dec 12
Don't be Scared
Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:1–6 Series: Chasing the Wind - Ecclesiastes