Our Disappointment with Idols
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety Topic: Exposition Passage: Psalm 115:1–115:8
Our Journey So Far
- Foundations
- Our Experience
- The Roots of Fear
- Where do we run?
Running Man
Humans run and hide or run to saviors when they are afraid...
Idol Factories in Fearful Souls
Idol Realization: Our problem (Psalm 115:1-3)
Genesis 3, Abraham, David, 1 Samuel 12:20-22, Hoseas 11:1,2 Jeremiah 2:11-13
Idol Identification: Who me?!? Yes, me (Psalm 115:4)
- Fearful - What do you fear the most? What do you most fear losing? What do you think you could not live without? Bottom Line: People defend their gods.
- Frustration - What makes you most angry? What frustrates you most? How do you react when things do not go your way? Bottom Line: People protect their kingdoms.
- Faithful - What are you joyfully faithful to? Where do you derive your deepest joy? Bottom Line: People worship and serve their gods.
Idol Actualization: Flights of Fancy (Psalm 115:5-7)
Isaiah 44:9-17
Things we commonly make into idols:
- Money
- Sex and Relationships
- Other People
- Self
Idol Disappointment: (Psalm 115:8)
“What people revere, they resemble, either for ruin or restoration.” G. K. Beale
1 John 5:20, 21
"Apart from Christ let nothing dazzle you" St. Ignatius.
Community Meditation Questions
- Ask yourselves the three “F” questions for “Idol identification”
- What good things did you find that you are putting your highest faith/trust in?
- How can these things find their proper place in your life? How can you bring these things into the obedience of faith?
- How can God use the place of disappointment and fear in your life to make a worshipper?
- If you are running to idols for your peace, the path of repentance is open. Read Psalm 61 and 62 this week to reflect on why we run to God when we find ourselves fearful, worried...freakin out.
other sermons in this series
Jun 26
The Arms of Community
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:3–1:9 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety
Jun 19
Our Trust and Confidence in God
Passage: Psalm 61:1–8 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety
May 29
Facing Fear
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Isaiah 43:1–43:7 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety