(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
Fullness of Joy, Pleasures Forevermore
Seeking God is for Christians
Defining “God-Seekers”
Reconciled for Relationship
Seeking God is a Lifestyle
God Reinforces:
_________ through ________ & ___________
Taking in the _________
God’s Response
Discipline: “Strive to Enter that Rest”
Pitfalls of Seeking God
The Lone Ranger
The Way of the Cross
What’s at Stake?
Community Meditation
Growing in Knowledge
- Read Philippians 3:8-14. What stands out most to you about what the Apostle Paul says here? What do you find most motivating?
- Read Hebrews 11:6. What are the prerequisites for drawing close to God according to this passage? Why do you think the author highlights these things? What would you have said?
Feeling Life Deeply
- Read Psalm 16 aloud. Have you ever experienced the sort of fullness of joy the Psalmist talks about here? If so, what sort of circumstances led to that experience? Where/in what do you most often find yourself seeking joy? Would you describe the joy you’ve found there as a fullness of joy or as something else?
Living With Courage
- From the list of things that God reinforces (spiritual disciplines), which do you find most effectively connects you with God? What one thing would make the biggest difference in how you seek God (getting up earlier, gathering with others, opening your Bible daily, etc.)? Commit to pursue those changes with someone this week (family, friends, Missional Community).
- What do you find most hinders you in seeking God? What most motivates you to seek God?