June 3, 2012

Following as Family

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark Topic: Exposition Passage: Mark 10:1–10:12


Mark 10:1-12

Hardened Hearts and the Law (vv. 1-5)


Back to Creation (vv. 6-9)


Marriage in the Story of God

       Gospel Re-enactment (Ephesians 5:22-32)

Three conclusions:




Let’s talk about  _____


A Word on … (vv. 10-12)



Struggling Marriages


The Wedding Feast of Jesus


Community Meditation Questions

Growing in knowledge

  • Read Ephesians 5:22-32. What surprises you in this passage? What are some of the implications of what Paul is saying in these verses? Theologically? Practically? For you, personally?

Feeling Life Deeply

  • Tremendous pain can accompany marriages in our broken world. How does Jesus provide a way forward for those who have suffered greatly in marriage or are currently struggling in their marriages?
  • How should the reality of the “Wedding Feast of Jesus” at the end of history change the way we live today?

 Living  With Courage

  • Near the end of the sermon, some practical wisdom was shared related to those who have been divorced, are currently single or who are currently struggling in their marriages. How would you counsel someone in one of the those situations—some of whom are likely in your home, family or Missional Community - given what was taught on Sunday?



other sermons in this series

Aug 19


Truth and Power

Speaker: Mike Reed Passage: Mark 15:1–15:20 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark

Aug 12


His Last Days - Pt. II

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Mark 14:32–14:72 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark