Potential and Possibility - Great Commandment
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark Topic: Exposition Passage: Mark 12:28–12:34
Quick Review
Arrival and Authority of Jesus
One simple word: ALL
Mark's Gospel - 12:28-34
Commanding the Scene (v28)
Greatest Command? Top 10?
God Centered (v29-31)
The Shema
Deuteronomy 6:4-6
Love God and Love Neighbor
- All calls us ______________
- All calls us to ____________
- All calls us to ____________
Loving God Slays Selfishness
Love and Risk
Love and Commandments
John 14:15-21; John 8:31, 32
Loving God Frees us to Love Others
Great Hope (v32-34)
Following Jesus
Potential becomes Possible and then by faith becomes Actual through the Gospel
Community Meditation Questions
Growing in knowledge
- What does a clear statement of the truth of Monotheism give us? What are the "gods" of our world? Your heart?
- Read Matthew 22:34-40. Jesus tells us that on the commands to "Love God and Love Neighbor" depend all the law and the prophets. What do you think he means by this?
Feeling life deeply
- When you are called to LOVE God with ALL that you are, how does this make you feel? Does it feel risky? How does the word "ALL" land with you? Scary? Exciting?
- Read John 14:15-24 and discuss this statement: Love leads to trust, trust leads us to follow, following leads to relationship.
- How can we follow God when we don't feel like it? What gifts has God given his people to help them?
Living with courage
- How does the call for ALL move you to repentance? To faith? Where does this move you forward in loving God and others? Get specific? Where do you need to repent? Where do you need to trust Christ to help you love better?
other sermons in this series
Aug 26
Death by Love, Resurrection by Grace, Unleashing the Kingdom
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Mark 15:21–16:8 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark
Aug 19
Truth and Power
Speaker: Mike Reed Passage: Mark 15:1–15:20 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark
Aug 12
His Last Days - Pt. II
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Mark 14:32–14:72 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark