December 9, 2012


Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel Topic: Biblical Passage: Exodus 1:1–2:23

Series Review

Two Meanings of eXL


Enter the Story—Exodus 1 and 2


Providentially in Egypt (Exodus 1:1-7)


The Works of Man

  • Oppression (Exodus 1:8-14)
  • Genocide (Exodus 1:15-22


Yet God at Work (Exodus 2:1-22)



God Hears, Remembers, Sees and Knows (Exodus 2:23-25)

  • What will God do?


Their Story, Our Story

  • Our Bondage
  • Our Longing for Freedom
  • The Truth


Community Meditation

Growing in Knowledge

  • Read Romans 6:15-23. Discuss the polarity Paul presents regarding slavery. Discuss how this may contrast with our culture’s view of “freedom.”
  • This passage ends with a statement about the “free gift of God.” Discuss the relationship between “the gift” and our following Jesus in obedience.

Feeling Life Deeply

  • What do we usually do with our slavery to sin? Why is our awareness of our freedom crucial to our living in freedom?

Living Courageously

  • The people in Exodus cried out to God for rescue. How does pride keep us from crying out to him?
  • Read Psalm 88 as a lament and then Psalm 40 as a song of freedom and joy—close with prayers of thanksgiving.

other sermons in this series