Covenant and Worship
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel Topic: Biblical Passage: Exodus 24:1–24:8
God’s Initiative
Many purposes of the Law
To “serve” YHWH
The Tabernacle
- God’s Holiness/Human sinfulness
- God’s Provision for Worship
Jesus the Messiah
Fulfills Law and Tabernacle
Community Meditation
Growing in Knowledge
- Read Hebrews 8-10 on your own. Make notes about the contrast between the OLD and NEW covenants. How was the old good? What was it good for? How is the new a superior and fuller reality?
- Why is WHOSE we are so important to defining WHO we are? Read Ephesians 1 together and discuss “Who we are” in Christ.
- How does the New Covenant and Worship define our identity?
Feeling Life Deeply
- Worship is much more than a genre of music or something we only do on Sunday. It involves seeing our lives as servants of God. Discuss the interaction between rescue, gratitude, love for God and our obedience to Him.
- What do you need to obey God? New rules? New heart? Why?
Living with Courage
- Religion always calls us back to rule keeping for its own sake rather than coming to God in faith and trusting his promises. Why does the Exodus call us to faith in Jesus, in light of our failure to keep the law?
- Name specific areas in your life where you forget God’s grace and rescue and return to the slavery of old patterns of life. True worship leads to true Freedom.
other sermons in this series
Mar 24
Living On Mission In The Land
Passage: Leviticus 18:1–5 Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel
Mar 17
Day of Atonement - Bring Two Goats
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Leviticus 16:1–16:34 Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel
Mar 10