Revival and Renewal
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel Topic: Biblical Passage: Exodus 34:1–34:9
Covenant and Worship
Covenant? Yes!!!
Golden Calf? No!!!
Where do we stand?
Renewal with God (Exodus 34:1-4, 10-28)
Revelation of God (Exodus 34:5-7)
The Person behind the Name
Attributes of God
- Merciful
- Gracious
- Slow to Anger
- Abounding in Steadfast Love
- Abounding in Faithfulness
- Jealous (Exodus 34:14)
Worship and Serve YHWH (Exodus 34:8,9; 29-33)
Moses the worshipper
Moses the mediator
Moses glowing?
Community Meditation Questions
Growing in Knowledge
- Review the section “God of the Gospel†from the Jacob’s Well Gospel Class notebook. Or read on our blog at Have you ever given study to the attributes of God?
- Share with one another some of the attributes of God that you cherish? Read related Scripture together.
- Read the book of Jonah together in the Old Testament. What do you think Jonah was missing about the character of YHWH?
Feeling Life Deeply
- Many times there is a strong tendency to run from God and drop away from the gospel community when we mess up. Why do you think this is?
- In light of Moses response to the sins of Israel, what does God do? If Moses’ mediation brought renewal of the covenant, how do you think God will treat us in light of Jesus’ mediation for us?
Living with Courage
- In what ways do you need your love for God revived? What does a new sense of God’s faithfulness give to us? How does this affect our mission together?
other sermons in this series
Mar 24
Living On Mission In The Land
Passage: Leviticus 18:1–5 Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel
Mar 17
Day of Atonement - Bring Two Goats
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Leviticus 16:1–16:34 Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel
Mar 10