April 21, 2013

Home Leadership - Husbands and Wives

Speaker: John Maurer Series: The Home Team Topic: Topical Passage: Ephesians 5:17–5:33

Introduction – Glorious and Impossible



Instructions for Wives



Instructions for Husbands



The Mystery of Marriage – Gospel on display



Community Meditation

Growing in Knowledge

  • (Wives/Women) Before hearing this message, what came to mind when you thought of the role of a wife? (you know that nasty “s” word) Has your perspective changed?
  • (Husbands/Men) Christ’s love led him to die for us; what would it mean for a husband to live with his wife with this type of love? (come on get specific)

Feeling Life Deeply

  • Wives/Women) Ask your husband if he feels like you are “on his team.” What would make him feel more supported by you?
  • (Husbands/Men) Ask your wife how it feels to be under your leadership? What are some ways that you can do a better job serving her?

Living with Courage

  • (Wives/Women) In what specific ways can you demonstrate respect for your husband?
  • (Husbands/Men) Why is a clear understanding of the gospel vital to fulfilling your role as a husband? What are some specific ways this can make s difference in your marriage?

other sermons in this series

Jun 2


Home Team Mission

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Luke 12:22–12:34 Series: The Home Team

May 26


Home Team Culture

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:1–13:8 Series: The Home Team

May 19


Home Team Grace

Speaker: Mark Twombly Passage: Matthew 18:15–18:35 Series: The Home Team