Our Flow is Gospel
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Our Flow is Gospel Topic: Exposition Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:1–2:8
Quick Review
Leadership and Flow
On Leadership
Paul’s ministry flow
Boldness and a Message (verses 1, 2)
You can go with THIS, or You can go with THAT (verses 3-7)
That? (verses 3, 5, 6)
Or This? (verses 4,7)
To Please ______
Ready to Share (verse 8)
Why are you doing this?
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Community Meditation
Growing in Knowledge
- The apostle presents us with several bad motivations for ministry to others in this passage: error/deception, flattery/people-pleasing, greed, and glory seeking. Discuss specific ways that each of these are a huge problem.
- In this passage we see the first of Paul’s parental metaphors for his ministry. Discuss the way a nursing mother cares for her child and the insight this gives us to the heart/flow of his ministry.
Feeling Life Deeply
- Do you feel that sharing the gospel with someone is loving? To share with someone that God created them, they are a sinner, Jesus loves people, dies for them, and that they need to turn from sin and false worship (idolatry) to Jesus for forgiveness and rescue? Is it loving to tell people this? Why or Why Not? If you think it is loving, how are we doing loving people?
- How can you share “your very self” with others? What is scary about this?
Living with Courage
- Pray for pastors and for your pastors…that God would give them pure hearts and motives in their leadership and care.
- Who will you pray for this year that might “walk into the water with you” next summer at our baptism bash?
other sermons in this series
Sep 8
Our Flow in Light of His Coming
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:13–28 Series: Our Flow is Gospel
Sep 1
Our Flow: Before God
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–22 Series: Our Flow is Gospel
Aug 25
Our Flow Together
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:12–5:15 Series: Our Flow is Gospel