Jesus is Savior and King
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: South Park Jesus Topic: Topical Passage: Genesis 5:27–5:32
On Being and Doing
- Truly GOD
- Truly HUMAN
Leadership Longing
Being and Doing
Boldness in the Name (4:13-31)
They have been with Jesus
Speak no More in his Name
Obey You or God
Anointed One
Our Leader, Our Savior (Acts 5:27-31)
God Exalted Him
As Leader
As Savior
Community Meditation
Growing in Knowledge
- Read the narratives we looked at from Acts 4 and 5. How does Jesus’ Lordship in the life of the apostles show up in this story? What did they take risk in order to do?
- Why do you think they were so courageous in the face of personal peril and opposition? See 4:13, 31.
- Romans 13 commands us to obey governing authorities, here the apostles did not obey. Why? How does this guide our own submission to God and government?
- In Acts 4:25, 26 we see the apostolic community quote from Psalm 2. Read this Psalm together. How does God respond to the little Kings of the earth?
Feeling Life Deeply
- A King provides, protects and leads his people. Which of these aspects of Jesus’ character are you most drawn towards? Which are difficult for you to believe/accept/experience?
- It is easy for many Christians to think Jesus “saved them” long ago when they prayed a prayer, were baptized, made a commitment etc. We need to acknowledge our dependence upon our Savior every day. In what ways can you live “dependently” on our Savior King?
Living with Courage
- In the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:18-20) Jesus tells us that “all authority” has been given to him. How does this effect our obedience to his call on our lives?
other sermons in this series
Nov 24
Christus Victor
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Colossians 2:13–2:15 Series: South Park Jesus
Nov 17
Christus Redemptor
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Hebrews 9:11–9:15 Series: South Park Jesus
Nov 10
Christus Exemplar
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Philippians 2:5–2:8 Series: South Park Jesus