February 23, 2014

Build by Living Justly

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Build: The Book of James Topic: Exposition Passage: James 2:1–2:7



Hearing, Doing, Building


Build by Living Justly - James 2;1-7


Justice for All?


Judges with Evil Thoughts (verses 1-4


Sin of PartialityActs 10:34-43


Why? Kingdom Realities (verse 5)


Resetting Reality
Seeing as God sees


Why? Worldly Realities (verse 6,7)






The Unifying Work of Jesus


Unity in the Spirit

Ephesians 4


Gospel Birthed Unity

Galatians 3



Community Meditation


  • James uses the term “evil” to describe the thoughts that judge/discriminate based upon someone’s net-worth in the church. Why does he use such a strong term? What other areas do we make distinctions about?
  • Here in chapter 2 James speaks against people judging their neighbors? Does this mean we never make moral judgments? Is James actually making a judgment here in chapter 2? What’s the difference between James’ judgment and what they were doing with rich/poor?
  • Read Matthew 7:1-5. What sort of judgment is Jesus speaking out against?


  • Why is it easy for wealthy people to feel like they should have privileges? Why would a church community give in to this way of thinking/acting?
  • Have you ever felt excluded from things in a community? Have you ever seen people getting special treatment simply because they are rich, famous or powerful? Why is this an offense to the gospel?


  • Do you look down or up on yourself due to the amount of money you make? What does repentance look like to the financially proud? What truth do you need to believe if you look down on yourself? How do wealthy and not so wealthy need one another in the church?
  • In what other areas can we “despise our diversity” in the body of Christ?

other sermons in this series

May 25


Build Faithfully

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: James 5:19–5:20 Series: Build: The Book of James

May 18


Build in Prayer

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: James 5:13–5:18 Series: Build: The Book of James

May 11


Build with Patience and Focus

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: James 5:7–5:12 Series: Build: The Book of James