June 1, 2014

Playlist - Introducing the Psalms

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Playlist - A Sampling of the Psalms Topic: Biblical Passage: Psalm 1:1–2:12



Introduction to the Psalms

The Playlist of God
The Playlist of His People


Wisdom and Kingship


Walking and Paths (Psalm 1)

The Righteous—Walking with God

Walk, Stand, Sit

The Wicked—Perish in their Way

Jeremiah 17:5-8

The Importance of Posture

Matthew 5:43, 45; Philippians 2:3;
James 5:19, 20


Who Shall Rule? (Psalm 2)


The Kings of Earth

Acts 4:25-28


The Lord and His Anointed

Isaiah 42


Community Meditation 


  • In the last passage in the book of James we saw the phrase “wanders from the truth”. Discuss how this connects to “the way” of the righteous and the wicked in Psalm1.
  • What kind of King is on display in Psalm 2? Read Isaiah 42:1-17 out loud. List together ways the “Servant” described?


  • How comfortable are you with God being a warrior? What is encouraging about this? Unsettling?
  • Does God’s righteous judgment cause you to pray for others? For them to come to the Son of God for grace and forgiveness?


  • Pray Psalm 139:23, 24 together.
  • Are there specific circumstances where you need to know the way to walk? Where are you walking, standing and sitting? Are you currently walking in the counsel of the wicked in some way?

other sermons in this series

Jul 20


All Praise be to God

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Psalm 150:1–150:6 Series: Playlist - A Sampling of the Psalms

Jul 13


Road Trip and Renewal

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Psalm 121:1–121:8 Series: Playlist - A Sampling of the Psalms