July 23, 2017

Light of the World

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: His Story, Our Story Topic: Exposition Passage: Acts 13:42–52

Freedom in the Gospel




A Mixed Response




Commanded to be Light





  • Read aloud the text from Sunday (Acts 13:42-52). What do you  remember most from the teaching?
  • On Sunday, freedom was defined as “embracing proper constraints” while having the ability to live within those constraints. Discuss that definition and how it measures up to our culture’s notion of freedom.
  • Can you recall an experience of being freed from something by God? Describe that process in detail. What “proper constraints” did you embrace and in what way were you given fresh empowerment to live within those constraints?



  • Read Galatians 5 together. What does this text tell us about living out our freedom in Christ? What is surprising or new to you in this text?
  • In what specific ways has maturing in Christ humbled you? In other words, in what areas of your life are you most aware of your need to change and grow?



  • Consider your answer to the question above. How might you take steps toward greater freedom in those areas? Be specific, be practical and then create a plan to hold one another accountable to those steps this week.
  • In what specific relationships and spheres of life might God be calling you to be a light? End your time by praying together that, in both word and deed, you would find ways to extend the Hope of the gospel to those around you.









other sermons in this series

Sep 3


To Be Continued

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 20–28 Series: His Story, Our Story

Aug 27


Riots in Ephesus

Passage: Acts 19:1–41 Series: His Story, Our Story

Aug 20


Conflict in Corinth

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 18:1–17 Series: His Story, Our Story