Riots in Ephesus
Series: His Story, Our Story Topic: Exposition Passage: Acts 19:1–41
Acts 19: Riots in Ephesus
Spirit Led Suffering (v.v. 21, 22)
Who is Artemis (v.v. 23-27)
Riots Break Out (v.v. 28-34)
False Confidence (v.v. 35-41
Discipleship group questions
Read aloud the text from Sunday (Acts 19:21-41). What do you remember most from the teaching?
Share with your discipleship group what was most difficult for you after you became a Christian. Why do you think this was difficult?
With whom do you resonate most in this passage (Demetrius, Alexander, Paul, the town clerk)? Explain. why
Share with one another how the disruption of the Gospel in your story has brought you joy.
In what ways has this disruption been most challenging for you as you’ve grown in your understanding of God and his Word?
Is there something that you feel the Gospel is disrupting in your life currently that you are ignoring or struggling to submit to?
What is it that is preventing you from submitting to the Gospel’s disruption in your life? What are you afraid of losing?
Are there times in your past when the Gospel disrupted your life and you chose to ignore it? What were you clinging to? Does this need to be revisited and dealt with?
other sermons in this series
Sep 3
To Be Continued
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 20–28 Series: His Story, Our Story
Aug 20
Conflict in Corinth
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 18:1–17 Series: His Story, Our Story
Aug 13
Singing in Chains
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 16:19–40 Series: His Story, Our Story