February 25, 2018

Disciples Multiply

Speaker: John Maurer Series: Disciple: 2 Timothy Topic: Exposition Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1–7

Disciples Multiply: 2 Timothy 2:1-7

     The Power for Discipleship v.1

     The Work of Discipleship v.2

     The Expectation in Discipleship vs.3-7

Discipleship group questions

Launching questions

  • Reread 2 Timothy 2:1-7. What stands out to you as you read this passage?
  • We are all "links in the chain" of discipleship. Take a few minutes and share with one another about someone who has had a significant impact on your own path of discipleship.


  • What does Paul mean when he tells Timothy to "be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus?" (see also 2 Tim.1:14)  
  • What spiritual disciplines (i.e. bible reading, prayer, fasting, evangelism, service, etc.) have helped strengthen you most?


  • Who is a F.A.T. (faithful, available, teachable) friend/person in your sphere of influence that you can begin/continue to invest time in in order to entrust the gospel to? When & How will you do this?
  • Discipleship ("re-parenting people in the family of Jesus" - Scazzaro) is hard work!  Keep it on the real - Share with one another how & where seeking to follow Jesus and/or help others to follow Jesus is really hard for you. (How is the way of Jesus causing you to suffer? If not, why not?)



other sermons in this series

Apr 29


Disciples Endure Together

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: 2 Timothy 4:9–22 Series: Disciple: 2 Timothy

Apr 22


Disciples Finish The Race

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: 2 Timothy 4:6–8 Series: Disciple: 2 Timothy

Apr 15


Disciples Fulfill Their Ministry

Speaker: Mark Twombly Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–5 Series: Disciple: 2 Timothy