Genesis 1:26-31: The Image of God
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Alpha and Omega: Genesis 1-3, Revelation 20-22 Topic: Exposition Passage: Genesis 1:26–31
Genesis 1:26-31: The Image of God
- Created in the image of God ...
- Dignity
- Duty
- Destiny
Daily Office
Read Genesis 2:4-25 each day
Meditate on this passage throughout the week and consider one of the following questions each day.
Day 1: Reflect on the reality that you are both formed from the dust and have the “breath of life” in you (v. 7). How do these realities challenge your normal way of viewing yourself?
Day 2: What is God calling you “to work and to keep” in this season (v. 15)? Pray specifically for God’s help in that task.
Day 3: We tend to focus on the prohibitions of God (“you shall not eat” v. 17), but in what ways is God currently saying, “surely eat of every tree of the Garden v. 16”? In other words, where are you missing the lavish blessing/invitation of God in your life right now?
Day 4: In what ways do you currently resonate with the truth that “it is not good that man should be alone” (v. 18)? Turn your reflection into a prayer.
Day 5: God’s ideal is that we would experience relationship without shame (v. 25). Take an honest look at where shame currently speaks loudest in your life and pray for Jesus’ voice to drown out those messages.
Discipleship Group Questions
- Read Genesis 1:26-31 together. On Sunday we talked about the image of God as defining the dignity, duty and destiny of human beings. Which of these categories stands out most to you and why?
- For those involved in D Course, what about this week’s overview of “Sex in the Story of God” makes sense of your own experiences or the experience of the world around you in relationships, marriage, sex, singleness, etc.?
other sermons in this series
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Revelation 22:6-21 Warnings & Invitation
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Dec 15
Revelation 22:1-5 Back to the Future
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Dec 8
Revelation 21:9-27 THE NEW JERUSALEM
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