Genesis 3:1-13: The Fall and Its Effects
Speaker: Jalen Baker Series: Alpha and Omega: Genesis 1-3, Revelation 20-22 Topic: Exposition Passage: Genesis 3:1–13
Genesis 3:1-13: The Fall and Its Effects
Take Satan Seriously
God is Not a Withholder
Do Not Be Tricked
Read Ephesians 4:17-32 each day
Meditate on this passage this week and consider one of the following questions each day
Day 1: Consider the description of life apart from Jesus in vv. 17-19. What word or phrase resonates most with your own experience of life outside of Christ?
Day 2: Consider the call of vv. 20-24. What currently most characterizes your pursuit of personal righteousness and holiness? Pray for God’s continued help in that area.
Day 3: Meditate on v. 27. Where might you be actively or passively “giving opportunity to the devil”?
Day 4: Reread v. 29. What would it mean for your words to “give grace” to those around you today? Be specific in your response.
Day 5: Focus on vv. 31-32. To whom might you need to extend tenderhearted kindness and/or forgiveness today?
- Read Genesis 3:1-13 together. In what ways does this passage reflect and clarify your own struggles with sin and temptation?
- For those involved in D Course, which passage, principle and/or discussion did you find most challenging from last week’s session? Most encouraging?
other sermons in this series
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Revelation 22:6-21 Warnings & Invitation
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Revelation 22:1-5 Back to the Future
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Revelation 21:9-27 THE NEW JERUSALEM
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