March 29, 2020

Sunday Content - March 29

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19 Topic: Topical

Reflection and Discussion Questions

1.  In the teaching, we discussed three roles that lament plays in the life of faith: (Creating genuine relationship with God, identifying with the hurting and marginalized and acknowledging that we live “in between” the promises of God and their full realization). Which of these is most compelling to you and/or needed in your life? Explain.

2.  Write your own personal lament. As you do so, consider the following questions: What are you currently most frustrated by? What is causing you pain? How are you honestly feeling toward God in this midst of this crisis? What aspects of God’s character are most called into question by your experience? Pray your lament aloud to God and consider sharing it with someone you trust.

3.  Listen and reflect upon the following declaration of faith in God in the midst of suffering: Though You Slay Me (a powerful song about God’s sovereignty in suffering, with a clip from Pastor John Piper, well worth meditating upon):

4.  Read John 11:32-44 aloud together.

  1. What stands out most to you about Jesus in this passage?
  2. End your time with honest prayer to Jesus … Pray with a renewed awareness that you’re speaking directly to the same One who is deeply troubled by and weeps over the suffering of his friends in this passage.

Scripture Practice for this Week

This week we will lean into one of the simplest yet profound Scripture practices: praying through the Psalms. Each day, read slowly through the assigned Psalm and pause when something – a word, a line, an image, a phrase, a truth – calls something to your heart or mind. Pray your response back to God. Work slowly, line-by-line and pray when something prompts you to do so. The variety of the Psalms creates a fresh variety to what and how we pray. Jesus almost certainly used this practice in His times of communion with the Father. So enjoy entering into the same rhythm this week.

DAY ONE: Psalm 1

DAY TWO: Psalm 22

DAY THREE: Psalm 23

DAY FOUR: Psalm 84

DAY FIVE: Psalm 86

other sermons in this series

Jul 26


Jul 19


Jul 12