April 19, 2020

Sunday Content - April 19

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19 Topic: Exposition Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–8

Reflection + Discussion Questions

1.  In 2 Timothy 4:5, Paul gives four charges in light of the coming return of Jesus. Which of the following challenges you most and why?

  • “Always be sober-minded” – think clearly now, in light of the end
  • “Endure suffering” – realistically acknowledge that creation is not as it should be, but will one day be otherwise
  • “Do the work of an evangelist” – proclaim to others the good news that Jesus has already been judged for their sake
  • “Fulfill your ministry” – be faithful to the specific things God has put in front of you.

2.  In 2 Timothy 4:6-7 Paul offers four images for his own endurance of suffering. Which of the following encourages you most and why?

  • “Poured out like a drink offering”
  • “Fought the good fight”
  • “Finished the race”
  • “Kept the faith”

3.  Who could you engage this week, however simply and/or boldly, with the truth of the Gospel? Discuss what that might look like and then plan to hold one another accountable to a next step.

4.  Read Psalm 96: 11-13 aloud together.

  • Briefly share what word, phrase, image or truth stands out most to you and why?

5.  End your time with prayers of response to what you’ve discussed in this time.



Scripture Practice for this Week

This week we would encourage you to lean into (one or more of) the recommended resources we suggested this past “Discipleship Wednesday.” Links are below: 

Bridgetown Church’s Daily Podcast

Rich Villodas’ midday prayer (Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays at noon)


Gospel in Life’s Trusting God in Difficult Times

Emotionally Healthy Leader podcast

Christian Counseling & Education Foundation

other sermons in this series

Jul 26


Jul 19


Jul 12