December 13, 2009

What Jesus Said to a Murderer

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Let Jesus Speak Topic: Biblical Passage: Acts 9:1–9:31

Community Meditation Questions

  • Have you ever felt unworthy to receive God’s grace and forgiveness? Unworthy to be used by Jesus in his mission? What does God using a murderous guy like Paul teach us?
  • Jesus used many people in the story of Paul’s conversion.  Ananias and Barnabas stand out in the story.  Discuss the following statement: God uses both communities and individuals to do his work, but never individuals apart from his community. 
  • Who are you serving with today to bring the gospel to others? How does  your family, your missional community desire to live out the mission of Jesus? How is Paul’s dedication, focus and sacrifice an example for us?
  • What keeps us from taking risks for the gospel? Comfort? Convenience?  A Disdain for Change? Unbelief? Distraction?
  • Read Matthew 20:20-28 for next week—What Jesus Said to his Friends


other sermons in this series

Dec 6


What Jesus Said to the Humble

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Luke 7:1–7:10 Series: Let Jesus Speak

Nov 29


What Jesus Says to the Powerful

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Luke 23:1–23:12 Series: Let Jesus Speak

Nov 22


What Jesus Says to Busy People

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Luke 10:38–10:42 Series: Let Jesus Speak