Old School - Kingship
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Old School - OT Overview Topic: Biblical Passage: 2 Samuel 7:1–7:16
Theological essay on Authority: Don't Fight Authority
Old School - Our Goals
- Intro OT Literature
- See the Wave of Redemption throughout history
- HD Jesus
The Need for Government
The Story Leading to Monarchy
Israel Demands a King - 1 Samuel 8:1-9
A Political Problem (v1-3)
Human Solution (v4-6) We want a King? Lets be like the Nations?
Important Passages
- Deuteronomy 17:14-17
- Leviticus 20:26
Let them have it, but warn them (v7-9)
God is saying “I TOLD YOU SO” ahead of time. More like: “IM TELLING YOU SO”
Does God WANT to give them a King?
King Saul—A Human King
King David—A Godly but Flawed King
The Davidic Covenant — 2 Samuel 7, An Eternal King
King Jesus—King of Kings
Jesus IS King! This is objective reality. It is a battle to submit heart, soul and mind to him as self attempts a daily coup d'etat
Community Meditation
- Why do you think we want to have a good government? In what ways do we see sin affecting human rulers?
- Do you find yourself trusting in the promises of human governments more than the promises of God? Do you fret and focus about political elections more than mission of Jesus? Be honest, have Bush or Obama had you more fired up than Jesus?
- In what ways do we choose to listen to the voices around us more than being guided by the Word of God? How do we cry out for others things to be “our King” and occupy the highest place in our hearts? Be specific. Confess together areas of fear and idolatry.
- Read Isaiah 9:6,7. One day the government will “be on his shoulders” when we live together in the KINGDOM of KING JESUS. In what ways can we represent his rule and reign in our lives now?
other sermons in this series
Aug 29
Old School - Redemption Through Messiah
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: 1 Peter 1:10–1:12 Series: Old School - OT Overview
Aug 22
Old School - Prophets - Speaking in and Through Exile
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Ezekiel 37:1–37:28 Series: Old School - OT Overview
Aug 15
Old School - Prophets - Judgment and Exile
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Jeremiah 2:11–2:13 Series: Old School - OT Overview