Sunday Content - March 15
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19 Topic: Topical
Discussion and Reflection
1. What encourages you most from the teaching and Biblical texts you’ve just heard? What challenges you most?
2. Read aloud through the entire letter to the Philippians (yup, the whole letter). As you do so, note what stands out most as you hear these words against the backdrop of this past week? Put another way, what in Paul’s teaching speaks directly to our current situation? Spend some time discussing your insights with one another.
3. Listen (and, if you’re willing sing along) to the following songs as a means of response:
- Psalm 23 (I Am Not Alone)
- Fix My Eyes
4. End your time of reflection and discussion with honest prayer to God; for your own heart, for your community and for the world. Pray for specific fears you may be experiencing and pray for His guidance and strength to help you act in and from love.
Scripture Practice for the Week:
This week, we will revisit several of the practices we’ve emphasized in prior weeks throughout this Discipleship Course.
DAY ONE: Read through the entire book of Philippians in one sitting
- Reflection Question: having spent some time in Philippians throughout this course, what now stands out to you as you read through the book this time?
DAY TWO: Outline Philippians 3 and 4
- Label the separate paragraphs/thoughts in your own words in your Scripture Journal
DAY THREE: Memorize Philippians 4:6-7 today
- Reflection Exercise: as you work slowly through this exercise, notice a word or phrase that particularly encourages you … turn your response into a prayer.
DAY FOUR: Do a study of Philippians 4:13
- Consider the verses before and after this text. What is Paul saying? What is he not saying?
- How does the context of this verse change the way we might be tempted to (mis)understand/apply it initially?
other sermons in this series
Jul 26
Sunday Content - July 26
Speaker: Amar Peterman Passage: Psalm 126 Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19
Jul 19
Sunday Content - July 19
Speaker: Tyler Stowell Passage: Psalm 121 Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19
Jul 12
Sunday Content - June 12
Speaker: Jalen Baker Passage: Psalm 10 Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19