Sunday Content-March 22
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19 Topic: Topical
Reflection and Discussion
Work your way through the four-step process of grieving and share your reflections with at least one other person (maybe call/text/FaceTime someone to set up a time to discuss):
What losses have you experienced in this situation? Write down whatever comes to mind (E.g. – relational loss, loss of income, loss of security, loss of rhythms, loss of specific plans, hopes, etc)
Share those losses and then pray your list to God. Begin by saying, “God, I bring my grief and loss to you. I grieve the loss of …. (then read through your list)”
How are your experiencing the “confusing in-between”? In other words, what about this situation has caused you to say “Okay, I’m done.”? Are you feeling overwhelmed, numb, depressed?
Discuss your response with one another and then pray it back to God. “God, to be honest, I’m done because …”
How is God coming to you in the midst of this crisis? What is God revealing to you about Himself and yourself in this? What might he be seeking to do in and for you?
Discuss your answer with one another.
How might this ending be a new beginning in the purposes of God? Is there anything good you can already see emerging from this situation?
Discuss your response with one another
WARNING!: Some of us will only want to respond to this fourth step. Fight that temptation! We can only get to new beginnings if we’re willing to faithfully bear our cross in and through the grief of endings and loss!
Read Matthew 11:28-30 aloud together.
Discuss: How have you rightly responded to Jesus’ invitation to come to Him this last week? In what ways have you not responded rightly to this invitation?
What can you do differently this coming week in order to abide more fully in Christ (as an individual, as a household, as a couple, as friends, as a CCG, etc.)?
*Options mentioned in Video:
Instagram: Follow richvillodas (click “Follow”), Daily Office: M/W/F @ Noon
Bridgetown Daily Podcast (or follow wherever you get your podcasts)
Follow Jacob’s Well on Instagram (click “Follow”) and Facebook (click “Like”)
Listen (and, if you’re willing sing along) to the following songs as a means of response:
Everlasting God (We Set Our Hope)
God With Us
Scripture Practice for this Week
In order to allow God to slow us down this week, we will once again lean into the ancient practice of “Lectio Divina” by working slowly through various passages in Philippians. Use the guide below to lead your time through 2-3 verses each day (as broken down below):
Prepare to meet with God: Calm your body and quiet your mind before God as you work to prepare your heart to receive what God has spoken through the text, and to respond accordingly. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your thinking and feeling as you read.
Read (lectio): Read the passage slowly and carefully. When your focus is drawn to a particular word or thought, pause momentarily to reflect on them.
Reflect (mediatio): Upon completing the passage, return to the beginning and read again. On your second journey through the text, allow the text to connect with you personally. Which words or phrases assume a particular resonance in your heart and season of life at this moment? Ask, “What do I need to know, or be, or do in light of the text?”
Respond (oratio): Talk to God about your experience. If you’re confused, say that. Moved? Express gratitude to God. Upset? Tell him about it. Compelled to worship? Worship. If the text has brought something else to mind, talk to God about that.
Rest (contemplatio): Pause to sit in God’s presence before fleeing from the moment. You might express wonder, awe, gratitude, or praise through words, or you might allow yourself to feel and experience these things quietly before God.
DAY ONE: Philippians 1:6-7
DAY TWO: Philippians 1:21-22
DAY THREE: Philippians 1:23-26
DAY FOUR: Philippians 1:29-30
other sermons in this series
Jul 26
Sunday Content - July 26
Speaker: Amar Peterman Passage: Psalm 126 Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19
Jul 19
Sunday Content - July 19
Speaker: Tyler Stowell Passage: Psalm 121 Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19
Jul 12
Sunday Content - June 12
Speaker: Jalen Baker Passage: Psalm 10 Series: Sunday Content - During COVID-19