James 1:5-8, Wisdom in the Whirlwind
Speaker: Tyler Stowell Series: Wisdom in the Whirlwind Topic: Exposition Passage: James 1:5–8
Reflection + Discussion Questions
1. Where do you see double-mindedness in your life? In other words, what keeps you from asking for what you need from God?
2. What do you need wisdom for?
3. Take a few moments to confess any double-mindedness and choose to ask God for what you need. Use the phrase “I believe, help my unbelief!” or “Convince me!” if that is helpful.
other sermons in this series
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James 5:19-20, Wisdom in the Whirlwind
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Jan 31
James 5:13-18, Wisdom in the Whirlwind
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Jan 10
James 5:1-6, Wisdom in the Whirlwind
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