Practical Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Chasing the Wind - Ecclesiastes Topic: Exposition Passage: Ecclesiastes 8:1–8:17
Recount and Summary
Around the Campfire with the Preacher
Two Types of Wisdom
- Practical Wisdom
- Ultimate Wisdom
Some Thoughts from Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
Practical Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord
Ecclesiastes 8:1–17
An Inclusio on Wisdom…
Living with Kings (verses 1-9)
On dealing with the powerful—Matthew 10:16-20
On Judgment (verses 10-13)
Vanity of Injustice (verse 14)
Joy among the Vanities (verse 15)
Right among the preachers observations of vanities...I COMMEND JOY!!!
The Limits of Human Wisdom (verses 16-17)
Summary of the Preacher’s Thoughts on Wisdom
Community Meditation Questions
- The Preacher gives an example of dealing wisely with a powerful King. A relationship with authority requires wisdom. Have you made mistakes in the past responding to authority where you could have exercised more wisdom? Walked well in a difficult situation?
- Read Matthew 10:16-20. What “powerful people” in your life do you need to walk with in wisdom, shrewdness and courage?
- Read Ecclesiastes 8:10-14. Discuss the difference between immediate/human justice and eternal divine/justice. How does God’s justice show us our need for the gospel? In the face of evil doing, why is God’s justice an essential part of the good news?
- When you do not know the future do you tend towards worry/despair or faith/trust? If God knows and holds the future, how secure are we as we travel through this life? Read Jesus’ promise in John 16:33 to one another.
other sermons in this series
Dec 26
Fear God, Follow Jesus
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:8–14 Series: Chasing the Wind - Ecclesiastes
Dec 19
Shout out to the Young
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:7–12:7 Series: Chasing the Wind - Ecclesiastes
Dec 12
Don't be Scared
Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:1–6 Series: Chasing the Wind - Ecclesiastes