Thoughtfully Engaged
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: DNA - Our Flow at Jacob's Well Topic: Topical Passage: 1 Peter 3:13–3:15
Mission Among People (1 Peter 3:13-15)
The Context of Engagement (verses 13, 14)
People in Culture
The Way of Engagement (verse 15)
Christ, Lord, Holy
Theology, Lordship, Focus
Always Prepared to make a Defense
Loving God with the Mind
Caring about Gospel/Culture
Reason for the Hope: Gospel Truth
Gentleness and Respect: Gospel Flow
Thoughtfully Engaged
Our way of life (Acts 17:16-17)
Thoughtful and Engaged MUST Stay Hitched
Community Meditation
Growing in Knowledge
- There are two ways to be intellectually lazy. 1) Being a skeptic who questions all and believes nothing and 2) Being a fool who never examines any beliefs. Do you find yourself drawn to either of these?
Feeling Life Deeply
- Why do you think Christians are fearful to share the gospel with others? How can a good knowledge of Apologetics undergird and support evangelistic effort and zeal? Discuss also the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our witness to others.
- 1 Peter 3 is a passage about suffering. Why do you think giving a reason for our hope is important in the context of suffering?
Living with Courage
- We must engage people with the gospel. We must. What would prevent our family, missional community and church from doing this?
- Do you need to deepen in your knowledge? Be emboldened to share?
- It’s not all up to one individual, but a Spirit empowered community engaging together.
other sermons in this series
Nov 25
Joy and Generosity in Mission
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: DNA - Our Flow at Jacob's Well
Nov 11
Seeking Mercy and Justice
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Isaiah 1:12–1:20 Series: DNA - Our Flow at Jacob's Well
Oct 28
Life in Community
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: John 13:31–13:35 Series: DNA - Our Flow at Jacob's Well