Core Rhythms - Deepening our Life with God
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Core Rhythms Topic: Topical Passage: Psalm 42:1–42:11
Core Rhythms
A Disclosure
Life – A Journey of Journeys
On Sanctification
- Ephesians 4:22-4
- 2 Corinthians 3:18
Not a Magic Trick – But a Cooperative Project…
- Training as an athlete —1 Timothy 4:7, 8
- Sowing for a harvest —1 Corinthians 3:4-9
- Putting to death one way of life for a new one (Romans 6-8)
Learning to dance
We Work Because God Works
God works and we also work. But the relation is that because God works we work. All working out of salvation on our part is the effect of God’s working in us...We have here not only the explanation of all acceptable activity on our part but we also have the incentive to our willing and working...The more persistently active we are in working, the more persuaded we may be that all the energizing grace and power is of God. John Murray, quoted in Moisés Silva, Philippians, 2nd ed., Baker Exegetical Commentary the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2005), 123.
Gospel Rhythms
A Desire for Connection with God
- Psalm 42:1-11
- Hebrews 4:14–16
The Dance of the Gospel
Some Core Gospel Rhythms…
- Silence/Solitude AND Community
- Study and Mediation
- Prayer
- Work and Rest
- Mission – Evangelism and Service
- Scripture – Hearing/Preaching
- Baptism
- Lord’s Table
Conclusion – Our "WANT TO"
Community Meditation
- We discussed sanctification, God making us more like Christ, as a process that takes place over time progressively. Discuss how God has worked in you in the past. Were there times when God seemed more active than others?
- Do you find yourself frustrated or impatient about your relationship with God? Share about this with each other.
- Do you find yourself encouraged about your relationship with God? Share this as well.
- The Scriptures use several metaphors for our growth in the gospel. Training as an athlete, sowing a harvest and putting to death sin to live a new life were mentioned. Which do you resonate with?
- What do you think about shaping your life around basic gospel rhythms and practices? What hinder this? What helps this for you? What else is shaping your life today?
- How is your “WANT TO”? How can we help one another in our “want to” ? To become a Christian? To grow in gospel practices?
- Read Romans 6-8 some time this week.
other sermons in this series
May 30
Core Rhythms - The Lord's Table
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Luke 22:13–22:20 Series: Core Rhythms
May 23
Core Rhythms - Baptism
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Romans 6:3–6:4 Series: Core Rhythms
May 16
Core Rhythms - Gathering as the Church
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–4:5 Series: Core Rhythms