The Arms of Community
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety Topic: Exposition Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:3–1:9
Freakin Out - The Journey So far
On Facing Life alone
Two Important aspects of Gospel Community
Help to Comfort us in Affliction
Help to Share Burdens in Life and Mission
Comfort us in Trouble
2 Corinthians 1:3-7
The identity of God (v3)
Why he gives Comfort (v4)
Sharing in the Life of Jesus (v5-7)
A Kingdom MASH unit
Balancing the Load of Life and mission
Galatians 6:1–10
- A Restoring Community (v1-2)
- A Maturing Community (v3-5)
- A Fruit Bearing Community (v6-10)
Community Meditation Questions
- Do you see in yourself a tendency to want to withdraw and isolate yourself from the gospel community? Why is this? Pride? People are difficult?
- Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 together and discuss how both affliction and comfort are a part of God’s purposes for our lives.
- In what ways have you experienced the comfort of God from his people?
- Discuss the need to comfort one another AND commit ourselves to sacrificial life and mission in the world. What happens if one or the other is missing from our community?
- Read together the Jacob’s Well mission statement and five core identities. Pray together for God to make us such a people.
other sermons in this series
Jun 19
Our Trust and Confidence in God
Passage: Psalm 61:1–8 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety
Jun 5
Our Disappointment with Idols
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Psalm 115:1–115:8 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety
May 29
Facing Fear
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Isaiah 43:1–43:7 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety