Joy - Joy To The World
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Unveiling Advent Topic: Topical Passage: Luke 2:8–2:10
Advent Virtues
Joy is not is unusual and surprising
JOY - Joy to the world
* In the beginning was Watts
* Joy to the World
Great Joy for All the People
Luke 2:8-10
* The Lord is Come
* Let Earth Receive Her King
Psalm 98:4-6
* No More Sins and Sorrows
Psalm 98:7-9; Revelation 22:1-5
Peace with God, being loved by God and having hope arise from faith in God leads us into an inexpressible joy...
Strength and Joy
Nehemiah 8
Community Meditation
Growing In Knowledge
* Read together Romans 12:9-21 and work on the following questions together.
– How do you respond to others when they seem to be very joyful and you are just bummed out?
– If someone is struggling with deep sadness, how can you serve them? What is NOT helpful in these times?
Feeling Life Deeply
* How does joy express itself through your personality? Is it loud? Quiet and peaceful?
* Share a time when you sensed “the joy of the Lord” being your strength?
Living With Courage
* Read the story of the ancient revival in Nehemiah 8:1-12. Why were the people so broken? What were they reminded of that day? Discuss why joy must arise out of seeking God and not simply seeking joy.
other sermons in this series
Dec 25
Christ - Go Tell It On The Mountain
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Matthew 10:26–10:33 Series: Unveiling Advent
Dec 11
Peace - Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Passage: Luke 2:1–14 Series: Unveiling Advent
Dec 4
Love - O Holy Night
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: John 13:31–13:35 Series: Unveiling Advent