New Team, New Kingdom
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark Topic: Exposition Passage: Mark 1:16–1:45
Tell and Show
Beginning: Newness & Continuity
Son of God, Messiah of Israel
“Immediately”: Where is He going?
Mark 1:16-45
Miracles: Foretastes of the Kingdom
The “Naturalness” of Miracles
The Authority of the King
In His Teaching
Over Evil
The Heart of the King
“Be Cleansed”: A Divine Exchange
Suffering: Kingdom Conquest
The Call of Jesus
Followers, not Fans
Community Meditation
Growing in knowledge
- “If Jesus could do such great miracles, why doesn’t he or didn’t he simply wave his hand and do away with all suffering?” How would you address this statement given the themes discussed on Sunday?
- On the other hand: why do you think Jesus did any miracles at all?
Feeling life deeply
- What is your emotional reaction to Christ’s call to “take up your cross daily and follow Me”? Share how your story either encourages you to heed this call or causes hesitation in your response.
- Have you ever experienced “resurrection life” as a result of heeding Christ’s call to die to yourself?
Living with courage
- Are you more prone to exhibit the characteristics of a Christ follower or fan?
- Discuss the distinction made between demonstrating the Kingdom and how the Kingdom actually conquers. How might this inform our understanding of the relationship between “good deeds” and proclamation of the Gospel?
other sermons in this series
Aug 26
Death by Love, Resurrection by Grace, Unleashing the Kingdom
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Mark 15:21–16:8 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark
Aug 19
Truth and Power
Speaker: Mike Reed Passage: Mark 15:1–15:20 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark
Aug 12
His Last Days - Pt. II
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Mark 14:32–14:72 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark