Storm Chasers - Who is This?
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark Topic: Exposition Passage: Mark 4:35–4:41
Passion in Following
Unexpected Power
Mark 4:35-41
Who Then is This?
Chaos Waters
Who Does this?
Have You Still No Faith?
Jesus Sends Us into the Storm
Suffering With Jesus in the Boat
Jesus & the Perishing: The Shadow of the Cross
Community Meditation
Growing in knowledge
- Discuss the implications of this particular miracle in the life of Jesus. Why do you think he led his disciples into this situation? What was he teaching them? What was he revealing about himself?
- Why do you think he chose to teach them these things in this manner?
- How do you think Jesus would have preferred the disciples approach him?
Feeling Life Deeply
- What is the relationship between faith and fear? In what way is it a good thing to “fear the Lord”?
- Have you ever felt the presence of God in your life? Specifically, have you ever had a sense that Jesus was with you in the midst of suffering? Share that experience with your community.
Living With Courage
- What storms in your life are currently causing you to question Jesus’ care for you personally? In what way does this story encourage you?
- Pray for each other and the storms currently swirling in each other’s lives.
other sermons in this series
Aug 26
Death by Love, Resurrection by Grace, Unleashing the Kingdom
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Mark 15:21–16:8 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark
Aug 19
Truth and Power
Speaker: Mike Reed Passage: Mark 15:1–15:20 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark
Aug 12
His Last Days - Pt. II
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Mark 14:32–14:72 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark