May 27, 2012

We Don't Get It

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark Topic: Exposition Passage: Mark 9:30–9:50


Heading towards the city of David

On Hyperbole


Mark 9:30-50

Team Jesus: here is our game plan (v30-32)

  1. Suffer

  2. Die for sin

  3. Rise Again

King Jesus: here is OUR game plan (v33-41)

Be the greatest 

Be only about our team

The real Team Jesus

  • Has the same JESUS
  • Has the GOSPEL of Jesus
  • Has the MISSION of Jesus

Get in the game...cause this ain't no game (v42-48)

The seriousness of sin

How not to be worthless to the mission (v49, 50)

How to be worthless

How not to be  (Romans 12:1,2)


Community Meditation

Growing in knowledge

  • Jesus’ death and resurrection is presented as certain and pre-ordained in v30-32. Why do you think we resist the idea that God ordains salvation in this way?
  • Discuss why Jesus gets so strong on sin in v42-48 in light of the context of this passage and our mission.

Feeling life deeply

  • Do you fear that if you live as a servant you might be marginalized, not be “important” or not get ahead etc.?
  • Are you afraid to live for his glory, serving others and not being about your own greatness?  Does this mean we cannot succeed in anything?

Living  with courage

  • In what ways have you coddled your sin, rather than repenting and forsaking it? 


other sermons in this series

Aug 19


Truth and Power

Speaker: Mike Reed Passage: Mark 15:1–15:20 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark

Aug 12


His Last Days - Pt. II

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Mark 14:32–14:72 Series: Passion - The Gospel of Mark