December 23, 2012

Redemption Part 2 - The Bloody Frogs

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel Topic: Biblical Passage: Exodus 12:1–12:13

The Bloody Frogs


Clash of the Titans

Exodus 7:1-13


Enter the Story - Exodus 7-12



  1. Nile
  2. Frogs
  3. Gnats
  4. Flies
  5. Livestock
  6. Boils
  7. Hail
  8. Locusts
  9. Darkness
  10. Firstborn


Hard Hearts and Picking a Fight with YHWH

  • Escalation
  • Unrelenting


The Passover

  • God’s Judgment
  • God’s Mercy


Community Meditation Questions

Growing in Knowledge

  • Discuss the escalation of the battle between YHWH and the powers of Egypt as presented in the plague narratives. What phrases are repeated? Why do you think God wanted this escalation?
  • Read Ephesians 6:10-20 and Colossians 2:6-15. Discuss the powers that stand against us as believers today. YHWH/Jesus as warrior.How do we relate the Passover to the Lord’s Supper?

Feeling Life Deeply

  • Discuss the following: God is kind and merciful towards sinners but is also severe in his judgments in dealing with evil. Why is the comforting? Concerning?
  • How can the Exodus shape your worship when you come to the Lord’s Table?

Living with Courage

  • What enemies do you need help defeating? Besetting sins, difficult circumstances, spiritual oppression etc.

other sermons in this series