Day of Atonement - Bring Two Goats
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel Topic: Biblical Passage: Leviticus 16:1–16:34
Super Bowl of Sacrifices
Houston, we have a Problem
One Main Problem
What’s wrong with the world? I am - GK Chesterton
Two Massive Manifestations
- Shame
- Guilt
The Day of Atonement
People, Priest, Place
Two Goats
Community Meditation
Growing in Knowledge
- Expiation, the doctrine of Jesus taking away our guilt for our sins, and propitiation, Jesus turning aside the wrath of God’s judgment for our sins are both prefigured in the Day of Atonement. Do you tend to focus on one or the other? What are the dangers in neglecting either?
Feeling Life Deeply
- Are you carrying shame for something you have done or that has been done to you? Do you believe that Jesus can take this away? Read Psalm 103:1-14 and Micah 7:18-20. Pray through these passages together.
- One of the metaphors used in the Bible by God for his atoning work is “washing us clean” (See Psalm 51). If God sees us as “clean” in Jesus Christ, how should we see ourselves? Why do we often still condemn ourselves? Sing together the hymn “Jesus Paid it All” Complete words online here:
Living with Courage
- Do we regularly confess our sins and experience God’s grace and mercy? Read 1 John 1:5-10.
- Freedom: If the line, “no guilt in life, no fear in death” in the hymn “In Christ Alone” is true, what could God do with your life if you fully submitted it to him?
other sermons in this series
Mar 24
Living On Mission In The Land
Passage: Leviticus 18:1–5 Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel
Mar 10
Mar 3
Holiness, Be Different
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Leviticus 10:1–10:11 Series: eXL - Expanding the Gospel