September 22, 2013

Jesus is Truly God

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: South Park Jesus Topic: Topical Passage: John 1:1–1:14

Jesus as Jesus




Eternal Jesus (John 1)


Prior to Time


Creator of all


I AM Jesus (John 8)


Exodus 3:13-15


Clarity in Controversy


John 8:39-59


So What if Jesus is Truly God?


Worship is consequential


Relationship is central


We proclaim him

Colossians 1:28, 29, John 4:29, 30


Community Meditation

Growing in Knowledge

  • Over the centuries there have been many heresies (false teachings) related to Jesus’ identity? Why do you think we “get him wrong” so much?
  • Why is worship so important to our own identity and life understanding?

Feeling Life Deeply

  • What does it say about the value of humanity for God to become one of us? How does this fit with the teaching of the sinfulness/depravity of human beings?
  • Does Jesus being “God” make him feel more or less approachable to you? How should Jesus’ character shape our understanding of who God is?

Living with Courage

  • What difference would it make if Jesus was “JUST a man”?
  • Long ago the Apostle Peter said “we must obey God, not man” (Acts 5:29) when there is a conflict in authority. List ways in which we must “obey Jesus” rather than giving in to the culture, ways of life, truth claims of our world. In what areas of life does Jesus clash with the current culture?

other sermons in this series

Nov 24


Christus Victor

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Colossians 2:13–2:15 Series: South Park Jesus

Nov 17


Christus Redemptor

Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Hebrews 9:11–9:15 Series: South Park Jesus

Nov 10


Christus Exemplar

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Philippians 2:5–2:8 Series: South Park Jesus