Build on the Royal Law
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Build: The Book of James Topic: Exposition Passage: James 2:8–2:13
Hearing, Doing, Building
The Law in James
Build on the Royal Law
Fulfilling the Royal Law (Verse 8)
The Law of Jesus
Matthew 22:34-40
Love of Neighbor
1 John 3:18, 1 John 4:7, 1 John 4:10-12
Rejoinder on Love
I’m Good? (Verses 9-11)
Sin can be:
- Comission
Keeping Score?
Mercy > Judgment (Verses 12, 13)
Speak and Act
James of Judgment
Zechariah 7:8-10, Matthew 6:14, 15
Mercy and Love
Community Meditation
- Read the parable found in Luke 10:25-37. What question is initially asked of Jesus? After Jesus’ answer, the man asks another question in verse 29. What does Luke tell us his motive was in asking the second question?
- What does Jesus want to know about the identity of our neighbor? Connect this story’s conclusion to James’ call for us to show mercy to others?
- How can we love others if we don’t know them or associate with them? Does loving our neighbor mean more or less than being nice to people?
- Do you ever feel it a burden to love people?
- What are some ways you may be able to associate with people in your community? How can our lives overlap better with those who need God’s mercy like we do?
- What life rhythms must be adjusted to love one another in the family of faith? To love those outside of the family of faith?
other sermons in this series
May 25
Build Faithfully
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: James 5:19–5:20 Series: Build: The Book of James
May 18
Build in Prayer
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: James 5:13–5:18 Series: Build: The Book of James
May 11
Build with Patience and Focus
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: James 5:7–5:12 Series: Build: The Book of James