Build in Prayer
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Build: The Book of James Topic: Exposition Passage: James 5:13–5:18
Build in Prayer
Prayer as Rebellion: Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be (Verses 13, 14; 17, 18)
Shouting into the Darkness?
Lament and Praise
Elijah’s Example
Prayer as Rebellion: Not the Way We’re Supposed to Be (Verses 15, 16)
Symptoms or Disease? Mark 2:1-12
Healing Power of Confession
Building Together in Prayer
Community Meditation
- What are some possible motivations to pray? Name as many as possible.
- Read Matthew 6:5-15. What does this passage teach us about the nature and practice of prayer?
- In what area of your life is the brokenness of the world most evident? How might you begin to pray for that situation, relationship, etc.?
- Have you ever experienced the healing power of confession? What made the experience so powerful?
- Why do you think Christians are so consistently called to repentance and confession?
- What next steps might you take in building your life on prayer with others (in your MC, family, with roommates, etc.)? Be specific.
other sermons in this series
May 25
Build Faithfully
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: James 5:19–5:20 Series: Build: The Book of James
May 11
Build with Patience and Focus
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: James 5:7–5:12 Series: Build: The Book of James
May 4
Build - A Warning to the Rich
Speaker: James Fields Passage: James 5:1–5:6 Series: Build: The Book of James