What a Wonderful World
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Playlist - Sampling the Psalms Topic: Topical Passage: Psalm 29:1–12
The Role of Worship in the Life of Faith
Psalm 29
Worship Wars (vv. 1,2)
The Voice of God (vv. 3-8)
Safe in Him (v. 9)
King on the Waters (v. 10)
The King and His People (v. 11)
Jesus and Psalm 29
The Word of God
King on the Waters
Our Response
- Read Psalm 29 aloud. Which images stand out to you as you read this Psalm aloud? How do these images help you understand God more deeply? Be specific.
- Why do you think God’s people are commanded to worship Him? What does worship do for us? What does worship do for God?
- Read the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33) and Psalm 29 together. What fresh connections do you see?
- Do you tend to see God more as a consuming storm or a safe refuge? Why is it important to hold these two together? What is lacking if we ignore one of these truths?
- When are you most tempted to doubt God’s goodness or sovereignty? How might the truth of this Psalm (and others) address those doubts?
- Consider spending extended time this week listening to some of your favorite worship music and/or reading through the Psalms. Then reflect on the experience with a friend or family member. What sort of emotions did the experience produce? Why?
other sermons in this series
Sep 4
Wise Words
Passage: Psalm 73:1–28 Series: Playlist - Sampling the Psalms
Aug 28
Fighting Words
Speaker: Dean Macke Passage: Psalm 140:1–13 Series: Playlist - Sampling the Psalms
Aug 21
Taste and See
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Psalm 34:1–22 Series: Playlist - Sampling the Psalms