Conflict in Corinth
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: His Story, Our Story Topic: Exposition Passage: Acts 18:1–17
Acts 18:1-17: Conflict in corinth
The Mixed-Bag of Paul’s Emotions
The Encouragement of Jesus
The Reality of Conversion
Discipleship group questions
- Read aloud the text from Sunday (Acts 18:1-17). What do you remember most from the teaching?
- If you have not yet done so, take some time to hear each other’s stories of grace. How did each of you come to put your faith in Jesus? If you’re not a Christian, tell the story of how you came to be a part of this group. As each person shares, ask questions to further clarify the “how” of each person’s journey to faith.
- If possible, share a time when you received encouragement from God. Was it a direct word from Him or was it indirectly through one of His people? As you share, consider any patterns you discern in one another’s stories. What can we learn from these testimonies?
- Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14. How might your Discipleship Group do a better job of encouraging one another throughout the week? Be practical and specific in what this might look like moving forward.
- Have you ever been involved in someone else’s conversion? What was that experience like? What did you learn about God through that experience?
- Consider the remarkable conversion of Sosthenes (Acts 18:17 and 1 Corinthians 1:1). Is it difficult for you to believe that God has many in your city/family/circle of friends who are His people? If so, pray that God would encourage you to persevere in speaking truth to those around you. Pray also, by name, for the salvation of those who come to mind.
other sermons in this series
Sep 3
To Be Continued
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 20–28 Series: His Story, Our Story
Aug 27
Riots in Ephesus
Passage: Acts 19:1–41 Series: His Story, Our Story
Aug 13
Singing in Chains
Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Acts 16:19–40 Series: His Story, Our Story