January 14, 2018

The people repent: Isaiah 64

Speaker: Dean Macke Series: Journeying Home Topic: Exposition Passage: Isaiah 64

The people repent: Isaiah 64

     Communal Lament
     God works for His people
     We are a people

Discipleship Questions

Launching Question
  • Read Sunday's Passage, Isaiah 63:15 - 64:12. What sticks out to you? What do these verses say about God?

  • Read Isaiah 64:4 again. How does knowing that God is a God who wants to work for you encourage you?

  • What's are some things you've seen, in your life, on screen, in stories that are inspiring to you? Think about why they are inspiring and discuss this within your group.

  • In what ways have you distanced yourself from community? How has it affected your relationships? How will you re-engage in your Discipleship Group or local community to create real relationships?

other sermons in this series

Jan 28


To Be Continued....

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Isaiah 66:1–24 Series: Journeying Home

Jan 21


A Hope - Filled Future

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Passage: Isaiah 65:13–25 Series: Journeying Home

Jan 7


The Servant Brings Freedom & Restoration

Speaker: James Fields Passage: Isaiah 61:1–4, Isaiah 62:1–5 Series: Journeying Home