September 30, 2018

Ruth 1:1-5: Suffering and The Sovereignty of God

Speaker: Scott C. Jones Series: Ruth: A Redemption Story Topic: Exposition Passage: Ruth 1:1–5

Ruth 1:1-5: Suffering and the Sovereignty of God

     Suffering is Shared, though Specific

     Redemption is Always Partial this Side of Resurrection

     God is the Hero, Image Bearers are His Agents

     Our Resurrected Redeemer Bears His Scars 

Discipleship Course Reflection Questions

Day 1- Luke 7:36-50

  • How did Simon the Pharisee expect Jesus to respond to the woman?
  • How does Jesus characterize the actions of the woman?

Day 2- Exodus 3:2-12

  • How does Moses react to hearing God’s call?
  • What does God’s response to the cries of his people and to Moses reveal about his character?

Day 3- Psalm 86

  • Based on this prayer, what does the Psalmist believe about God?

Day 4- 1 Samuel 1:2-20

  • How is Hannah’s prayer described in the temple?Read through Hannah’s response of praise in 1 Samuel 2:1-11

Day 5-  John 11:17-44

  • How does the family of Lazarus demonstrate faith in the midst of grief?
  • What does the fulness of Jesus’ response reveal about God’s response to grief?


other sermons in this series