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In God's grace and kindness he has given his people certain rhythms and spiritual practices in life in order to transform us and develop deep relationship with Him and one another.

Each year a peculiar celebration takes place among many people. Green clothes are worn, green beer is imbibed and strange stories about snakes being chased out of Ireland are told. Shamrocks abound and leprechauns seem to jump out from behind every bush. People are pinched for not participating in the fashion of the day and parades are thrown in the name of a man who lived long ago. To someone who is Irish it is a special day of pride and cultural identification; ironically many use it as an excuse to get really drunk.1 Yes, I am speaking of March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. Strangely, few people know much about the man whose name adorns the day...

A short summary of the life of the pioneering African American preacher Lemuel Haynes (1753–1833)A short summary of the life of the pioneering African American preacher Lemuel Haynes (1753–1833)A short summary of the life of the pioneering African American preacher Lemuel Haynes (1753–1833)

Looking at the teaching of Scripture regarding the use and abuse of alcohol

An introduction to the wisdom literature and the book of Proverbs

Why do we not always do what we want? Or do we?

A brief look two views of life, consequences and eternity

The Old Testament cleanliness codes point forward to the coming Christ who would sanctify a people for himself. Jesus is crucified outside of the camp to bring people to God and call us forward in sacrificial mission.