Anxious about Today
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety Topic: Exposition Passage: Philippians 4:4–4:9
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Sovereignty, Love, Presence, Promise
Anxious about Today
“The Lord’s Prayer” – Matthew 6:9-13
- Preparing for the day
- Truths about each day
Philippians 4:4-9
Joy in the Right Place (v4)
The Stabilizing Truth of God’s Presence (v5)
The Command and Contrast (v6)
The Promise (v7)
- The Peace of God
- That Surpasses Understanding
Understandable Peace
Peace That Makes No Sense
Contemplation and Practice (Verse 8,9)
- Our Minds
- Our Practice
Community Meditation Questions
- What are some things that “come at you” each day that can cause you to freak out?
- Some of these things we can control, some of these we cannot? Which kind of circumstance concerns you more?
- Discuss the significance of the phrase “the Lord is at hand” in Philippians 4:5 and the command “do not be anxious about anything” in 4:6.
- Have you ever experienced a peace in your life that did not make sense? Have you seen others walk in such peace?
- This week read and meditate upon Isaiah 43. We will look at portions of this together next week at our Sunday gatherings.
other sermons in this series
Jun 26
The Arms of Community
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:3–1:9 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety
Jun 19
Our Trust and Confidence in God
Passage: Psalm 61:1–8 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety
Jun 5
Our Disappointment with Idols
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Psalm 115:1–115:8 Series: Freakin Out - Worry, Fear, Anxiety