Hope - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Unveiling Advent Topic: Topical
Beginning our Advent Series
Hymns of the faith
- Theologically Rich
- Enter the Biblical Story
- Sing the Gospel
5 Christmas Carols
- HOPE/Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
- LOVE/O Holy Night
- PEACE/Hark the Herald Angels Sing
- JOY/Joy to the World
- CHRIST/Go Tell It on the Mountain
HOPE - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Charles Wesley—The Productive Poet
The Nature of Hope
Romans 8:24, 25
JESUS, Long Expected
The promise of his coming
John 4:1-30
Unexpected Words at Jacob’s Well
The promise of his coming again
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Faith in the now
Hope is Covenental - Jeremiah 29:10-14, Romans 15:4-7
Hope does not walk through the dark alleys of this life on its own...it always has a guide, an escort. We can put our faith in money, fame, an imagined future...but hope always has faith in something holding its hand. The question is whether we are locking arms with the hand of God or trying to find hope in the worship of idols.
Community Meditation Questions
Growing in knowledge
Suggestion—grab a copy of Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears and read Chapter 3 “How Did People Know Jesus Was Coming?” We will give a free copy to the first 5 people to contact us this week at info@JacobsWellNJ.org.
Feeling life deeply
Discuss your own struggle with hope by honestly asking this question: What causes you to despair and feel hopeless? How is the gospel and God’s promises relevant to this? Help one another here. Speak grace and truth to one another; stop and pray for each other.
Living with courage
Spreading hope. Write down the names of a few friends who seem to need hope. Pray for opportunities to share with them that God promises in Christ to be present with us and will ultimately lead us home to the Kingdom of heaven.
other sermons in this series
Dec 25
Christ - Go Tell It On The Mountain
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Matthew 10:26–10:33 Series: Unveiling Advent
Dec 18
Joy - Joy To The World
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Luke 2:8–2:10 Series: Unveiling Advent
Dec 11
Peace - Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Passage: Luke 2:1–14 Series: Unveiling Advent