The Judgment of God - Psalm 75
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Series: Playlist - A Sampling of the Psalms Topic: Exposition Passage: Psalm 75:1–75:10
On Judgment
The difficulty of human judgment
Galatians 6:7-10
The Starting Line (Psalm 75:1)
God’s Name
Exodus 34:5-8, John 17:6
God’s Deeds
The Set Time (Psalm 75:2, 3)
The Sober Reminder (Psalm 75:4-8)
To the Boastful and the Wicked
The Horn
God’s Judgment
The Savior’s Praise (Psalm 75:9,10)
The Righteous Horn(s)
Community Meditation
- Why is it important to begin life and see all of life in understanding who God is and what God has done? Read John 17. Discuss what is meant in verse 6. How did Jesus “manifest God’s name” to us.
- Discuss the “horn” metaphor in the Bible. Discuss its messianic imagery in Hannah’s song in 1 Samuel 2.
- How do you deal with your emotions when the other team seems to be winning? When your political views and candidates are defeated? When an arrogant leader at work or on TV is lifting himself up?
- How do the promises of God’s judgment help? How do you feel about that actual person? How should you see them?
- Galatians 6 encourages us not to “grow weary of doing good” and Romans 12 teaches us to “overcome evil with good.” Where do you need God’s help in this?
- In what ways have you forgotten God’s judgment and resorted to your own?
other sermons in this series
Jul 20
All Praise be to God
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Psalm 150:1–150:6 Series: Playlist - A Sampling of the Psalms
Jul 13
Road Trip and Renewal
Speaker: Reid S. Monaghan Passage: Psalm 121:1–121:8 Series: Playlist - A Sampling of the Psalms
Jul 6
The Faithful God - Psalm 90
Speaker: Dean Macke Passage: Psalm 90 Series: Playlist - A Sampling of the Psalms